Sea Magnesium


We literally have the best SALT on earth.

We choose to do and be the Best. We truly do have the best SALT on earth. Our full spectrum mineralized sea salt is air dried at its source. Our salt is 3-8 times more mineral dense and the only salt known to contain all the elements of the sea when compared to all other known sea salt brands, let alone hydration sticks companies where our competitors typically use land mined or blasted salts, or even refined/bleached sea salts.

*Our claims come from extensive NFS approved laboratory testing.

For those seeking clean ingredients with real nutritional benefits and a true natural taste enhancement you found a true hydration perfectionist. All our competitors fall short. Land mined, pink or low mineral sea salts have no place in our product lines.

Do not ingest these ingredients, Here’s Why

What’s in our Food Supply. In this example SALT the most important ingredient that could ever enter your body should be the best you can find. Any SALT short of perfection has no place in our product lines.

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